

Teen Wolf : The Badass Is No More

Wow, I really love this show.

How did I not see this ?! That dude (I don't even know his name) was always creepy, and they weren't subtle about it either, I mean the thing with the photos, come on ! It was right here and I didn't see it.

Well I feel better knowing who's controlling Jackson (by the way, I'm just realizing it now but I finally learned his name !), I still thought it was Grandpa Argent - but it's not the most interesting thing on the show or in this episode. So let's move on to Derek.

Derek and Scott had a little conversation at the very beginning of the episode, - they're having less and less scenes together ... Anyway, it was amazing. It's the first time I notice, maybe it was always this way I don't know but I had a revelation : they're a couple.

"You always are keeping something from me !"
"Well maybe I do it to protect you."
"Doesn't me being part of you pack mean no more secrets ?"

I mean come on, what the hell is that ? Scott is suddenly an insecure needy girlfriend and Derek the strong and protective, more experienced boyfriend. They are so gay ... It's adorable !

Another sweet moment was when Derek had to lock up everyone in his pack (except for Scott). Of course the chains didn't hold and he was facing Erica and the black guy, who were out of their freaking mind.

LOVE this shot ...

But Isaac managed to control the power the moon had over him thus following in Derek's footsteps. And also he helped him restrain the 2 others since Scott was nowhere to be seen. As usual. 

But then of course stupid Lydia went ahead with her plan of screwing up everything they've worked for in season 1. Yay great idea ! I thought she was supposed to be smart ! Just because the big bad from season 1 (no I do not remember his name, I'll look it up later) threatened to kill everyone at her party even though he's buried, as in underground and, most importantly, DEAD ! They've been developing her character lately and basically all they've showed us is how clever (and tortured) she is. Couldn't she use that cute little head of hers to think for just a second and see it was an empty threat ?

I guess she couldn't. I hate this shot, a nervous and beaten Derek, what has this world come to ?

So the big bad is back ! At least I'm not worrying about the lack of storylines ..

Also, the death of Alison's mother made me cry. Yes I'm a girl and I cry. Uuughh. No but seriously it was a horribly sad and tragic moment, and I feel a little more sympathy toward Alison's dad, whom I don't think of as "that guy from the Secret Circle" anymore. I want to see the next episode so badly ! The kamina thing is pretty much over for me but I want to see Derek and ... the guy from season 1.


Teen Wolf : Finally Some Action !

I've been longing for action for a while now and none of my summer shows could provide that, except for Teen Wolf. Yes it can be a little sketchy and there's always a lot going on at the same time but at least there's something going on !

Plus, I don't care if it's sketchy I love this show ! So, in last week's episode everybody was looking for Jackson. Again. But it's always fun so I don't mind. Since Scott joined Derek's pack there's only 2 rival groups : the wolves and the hunters. (I'm on Derek's side)

I love that they're together now ! I love Derek and I .. don't really care about Scott, but I love the way Derek feels protective of him.

This newfound friendship (yes that's what we're calling it) also includes Erica and Isaac. I used to find Isaac ridiculous and uninteresting but I'm really starting to like this bad-guy-but-in-a-fun-way thing.

It was sweet that Scott cared about Isaac's safety, a little premature but sweet.

Before we get back to the action -and the actual plot, I want to talk about Stiles. I really do want to give him his own post but well, I didn't. Yet. 

Anyway, Stiles had a very sad moment in that episode, in a scene with his dad, the sheriff. Throughout the show we've gotten to see that they're pretty close, their relationship isn't based on a power struggle like most parent-teen relationships. They're more like friends. But Daddy lost his job because of all the stuff (illegal stuff) his son's been doing.

Stiles is probably the nicest kid on the planet and he's also always looking to please others. He feels for people more than any other character in the show, so getting his dad fired and not even being yelled at for it, seeing his father that desperate really got to him. 

That's it there wasn't really any point to this but I don't talk about Stiles enough ! Luckily he had a moment of joy when the magic dust worked. But of course, that happiness was short-lived.

After securing the building and the kanima they got to the interrogation part. Jackson was so creepy as a possessed tortured creature. So I don't really remember what they did, but they wanted to talk to Jackson's master by luring him out, but he ended up fooling them by coming and talk to them. Through Jackson.

Basically the thing only kills murderers, turns out all the people that were killed were at the same high school, the same year, so it's safe to say they all knew each other. And they killed someone. Now I'm not entirely sure I got the next part right, but I don't see what else it could be so here 'comes : the person controlling Jackson is dead and he's having his revenge through Jackson. But that story has got so many holes I'm not really sure that's it. I think there's more to it. Isn't there always ?

Now the most adorable moment since the beginning of this show, yes, it involves Derek.

At some point, for some reason, Scott decided to go outside to, I don't know, get some fresh air ?? Anyway, Alison's psychotic sharpener freak of a mother decided to kill him because she saw him kissing his daughter. Passionately. But Scott's got a pack now ! So he called out to Derek who came to his rescue in an instant. Awww.

He even looked after him. I love Derek, I still don't know why. I can't put my finger on it but there's something about him that makes him the greatest character.

Also he bit the bitch. Ha ! Okay it's horrible for them, and I actually felt sorry for them, well for him mostly, she's a bitch, she can die I don't give a damn but it's sad for him..

I can't wait for the next episode ! Luckily I don't have to 'cause it's on in just a couple hours ! I want to know who's controlling Jackson, I want to know if it's Grandpa Argent, I want to know what the hell is wrong with Grandpa Argent ! Maybe he's actually dead, and controlling the kanima. That'd be interesting. But I'm guessing it won't be that, since I managed to think of it.


I'm Back !

I just got back from my vacation and I sure hope television was at its best while I was gone. I've already started catching up : Coming soon ...

Oh Alcide, how I've missed you ...