I'm seriously suffering from Revolution deprivation and I know you are too so I thought I'd rehash everything that could go wrong in the upcoming episodes ! Yay ! So, here goes my worst (irrational and not) fears for Revolution :
- That the real action, and fighting and basically just the war we've been promised doesn't start until the last episode, which is (you're gonna hate me for making you realize this: ) only 7 episodes away.
- That Miles and Rachel take up the entire ship time Revolution has to offer. I guess there must be people who ship it, I personally have nothing against it, but do we really need to make such a big deal out of it ? We know it's gonna happen, we've known since always, it's a non-issue really, in my head it's already done.
- That they'll never all, every single one of them, be in the same f#cking place at the same f#ucking time ! Aaron, if you mess this up you're dead to me ! #NevillesOnTheWay!!!
- That Jason and Charlie being near each other will be irrelevant to the Charloe story. Jealousy, when well-executed is a great emotion for a male character to be feeling. Just saying..
- That Jason and Charlie being near each other will be a little too relevant to the Charloe story. Don't go stealing that girl !
- Psychotic Bass is a psycho. Everybody loves Bass, those who don't already, will, at some point, it's inevitable just stop fighting it, join us, let it happen .. Okay, enough on the creepiness. What I seriously don't want is for him to revert back to the lonely, paranoid little dictator ! Just be cool, bro..
- That Bass and Charlie will develop a Miles/Charlie relationship.. Just FYI, I don't condone incest. So don't go there, don't even hint at it and we won't have a problem. Actually, just don't do anything that goes against Charloe as a general rule !
- That Charlie stays the second class character they've made her into. She's getting less and less lines. Sure she can be like, a quiet strength or something, I could get on board with that but here, it's just sad, she does not get more than 2 or 3 lines per episode. Please change that, she is supposed to be one of the main character if not the main character (like in season 1 for instance, just putting it out there).
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Give me lines.. Please ? |
- Connor and Charlie sittin' in a tree... NO! Absolutely not, I refuse, this will not happen, impossible, nay, DENIED!
- I think my worst fear of all is that they actually do Connor/Charlie (what would that even be ?? Connie ? Channor ??) and that I'd like it. Because Connor would not be another Jason, so it could actually be interesting but then, I mean, what about Bass ?! Just don't even present me with the possibility and it'll all be all right.
I think that about sums it up ! Most of my fears are actually about Charlie and what they're gonna do with her character.. So! Tell me if I missed anything, which, let's face it, there's a fair chance I did. I also wanted to thank you for the Charloe support, I really love when you people comment on what I have to say, so feel free to do whatever it is you do! *There might be a hint hidden in there somewhere.. ^^