Man, this hiatus is killing me. 3 more little weeks. We can make it, it's not that long, really.. *dying inside.
I'd like to start with that hair.. The most accurate description I've come across was "Charlie hair porn". Yep, that about sums it up.
So, I am a tiny bit obsessed with that Charlie/Monroe connection.
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I'm Batman. No, you're better ^^ |
When I say "a tiny bit" what I really mean is it's pathological. I try not to rewatch the very few Charloe moments we have been blessed with too much but I think I know most of them by heart already .. I'm getting a little worried about my sanity. The simplest look and I'm all giddy like "omfg did you see that ?! THE LOOOOOK!! Did you see it ???!!" I think I need to calm down a bit. Plus we still don't really know if they're gonna make this ship canon. You know what I think ? I believe. I have faith in Eric Kripke, plus he said himself they've noticed the chemistry.
As it so happens in the mid-season finale, all the couples are paired up together : Miles and Rachel, Aaron and his girl (didn't make a big impression), CHARLIE AND MONROE. You don't split them up in such a specific and suggestive way if you're not trying to do something.
So Charlie and our beloved Bass go searching through the -is it the school ?? Who cares ? Abandoned looking hallways, which is the best place ever for a search party under pressure. Of course trouble was bound to find them at some point.
That sync.
Charlie chose the worst hiding spot ever and Monroe's across from her.
So much eye contact.*squee* Must.. screen.. cap !!
I absolutely love that she saw the exit sign first and he's just following her gaze.
And the head-tilting, OMG the head-tilting ..
And the son of a bitch just leaves her there, like "well, sucks to be you." Luckily, she finds a good hiding spot.
Unfortunately, she comes out of it a little too soon.
But ... He comes back. He f#cking comes back. I can't help but imagine what went through his head. He was leaving, he didn't even want to be there in the first place, he was probably like "screw them, wha'ever I'll do wha' I want !" but then he either remembered Miles would never tell him where his son was or he thought what if they get her ? He felt guilty and just couldn't leave her alone.
Let's be realistic here, he could've told Miles they'd gotten separated somehow and ... well, he made it and she didn't. Wouldn't really sit well but it could work ! So in conclusion, the throat slitting was all for her. Awwwww.
But we want to see them working together now that we've had the adorable childish little exchange about the exit. So, more patriots headed their way. Which is weird since there's shooting where Miles and Rachel are, you'd think they'd be headed that way, but our good Kripke agrees with me, he wants to see them kill people, and look at each other and be badass together.
And boy, do they work well together. I choose to see that as a hint that Kripke also believes they're made for each other. Yeah that must be it.
I really dig all the eye contact and killing people and combined awesomeness. Like, get a room already !
And then Aaron tells the nano tech to kill everybody, so the guys they were shooting at burst into flames. Which is really just another excuse for more eye contact.
See what I mean ? I have a problem, all this silent communication, I just can't take it, it's too much for my romantic action loving little mind. I'm a little worried that Monroe's son joining in is gonna make the age difference too weird and ruin everything .. But then again maybe he'll die and Charlie will be there to comfort Bass. That'd be awesome. I pray to whoever's listening, please make that happen and I'll never ask for anything ever again. You don't need anything else when you got Charloe.